> Will try to figure out which line saves power as soon as possible.
> For now I don't have much time, thus I'll reply in a week or so.

I'm attaching reduced patch. Most power savings come from mmMEM_EXT_CNTL

And almost invisible power savings (~~0.1 mA) come from mmGENLCD_CNTL
registers (though, it may be just measurement fallibility).

Good luck,

-- Anton (irc: bd2)

[-- Attachment #2: w100fb-power-reduced.patch --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 0.9K --]

Index: drivers/video/w100fb.c
RCS file: /cvs/linux/kernel26/drivers/video/w100fb.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -p -b -B -r1.24 w100fb.c
--- drivers/video/w100fb.c      4 May 2006 22:15:27 -0000       1.24
+++ drivers/video/w100fb.c      27 Jun 2006 12:45:39 -0000
@@ -1613,6 +1613,16 @@ static void w100_suspend(u32 mode)
                val = readl(remapped_regs + mmPLL_CNTL);
                val |= 0x00000004;  /* bit2=1 */
                writel(val, remapped_regs + mmPLL_CNTL);
+               writel(0x00000000, remapped_regs + mmGENLCD_CNTL1);
+               writel(0x00000000, remapped_regs + mmGENLCD_CNTL2);
+               writel(0x00000000, remapped_regs + mmGENLCD_CNTL3);
+               val = readl(remapped_regs + mmMEM_EXT_CNTL);
+               val |= 0xF0000000;
+               val &= ~(0x00000001);
+               writel(val, remapped_regs + mmMEM_EXT_CNTL);
                writel(0x0000001d, remapped_regs + mmPWRMGT_CNTL);