Paste number 139933: | How does code get translated to voltage inside a CPU transistor? |
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How does code get translated to voltage inside a CPU transistor? It does not. If by "translated" you mean "converted" or "processed". A compiler translates source code into object code. This is a software process, that translates from one code form to another code form, keeping the meaning identical. But there is no such processing that would take code as input, and produce voltages inside a CPU. This is a category error. The processings that are performed by a material electronic computer, are physical processings. Mostly, conversion of energy, conversions between tensions, intensities, charges, inductions, magnetism. Different parts of an electronic component use all those electronic phenomena, since they're closely embraided by Maxwell's laws. So, when you power up a computer, all its electronic compenents are flooded by electrical energy and there's a short time where they're in some random state. But some circuits are designed to fall into a determined electrical state, so they can drive the other circuits to a wanted initial state. What this means, is that after a short time, the charges, tensions and intensities are configured so that the evolution of this electrical state is determined. Basically, the CPU is designed so that it will start driving its memory bus (setting the voltages of the various lines at the right times) according to a protocol such that a specific configuration of voltage is transmitted on a bus to the ROM, along with a latch signal. A ROM (let's consider a true ROM here), contains a circuit called "decoder", which has n input lines, and 2^n "word" lines. Each input line can have one of two voltage level. Each combination of voltage level on the input lines correspond to a single word line, which means that this single word line has one given voltage level, while all the other word lines have the other voltage level. These word lines can be connected or not to a set of output lines. When the word line that is under the right voltage level is connected to an output line, this voltage level is transmitted to the output line. If it's not connected, then the output line is forced to the other voltage level (by the "pull ups"). Those output lines are then connected back to the processor, on another bus, and the processor uses internally those voltage levels to further determine what electronic circuit to activate, and what voltage level to transmit and where. We could describe this in great details, only talking about electromagnetic phenomena. The important point is that all that occurs, is only deterministic transmission of electrical energy all over the electrical circuits that made the hardware computer. I've detailed the working of the ROM, because here we have something that is slightly outside of the electronic realm: the connection or disconnection between a word line and the output lines. This is a material configuration, not something that's configured electronically. This is something that a human being can configure manually, by cutting or soldering wires. Or possibly, by switching interruptors. However, and this is the important thing here: that remains something entirely material: there's no code here, only conductors connected or not, thru which electrical energy may or may not pass. Now, in a processor or in a whole computer, there are between millions and trillions of transistor (or equivalent, in RAM and hard disk magnetic cells), and correspondingly, billions of interconnections between those transistors and electronic circuits. So describing the working of the hardware computer in terms of voltage, transistors and circuits, would be very tedious. Even considering each component and subcomponent separately, describing them at this electonic level would lose anybody in too many details. On the other hand, there are a lot of repeated patterns all over the place. Flip-flops, memory cells, gates, registers, multiplexers, demultiplexers, buses, etc. So we could give a description of the hardwarea machine in those abstract terms. We can explain the ROM as I did already above, in terms of a decoder, of lines and gates. Further, we can distinguish the abstraction of the address bus (the input lines of the ROM), and the data bus (the output lines of the ROM), which connect with the processor. And instead of talking of voltage levels on the lines of the address or data bus, we can add a further level of abstraction, by numbering those lines from 0 to A-1 for the address bus, and from 0 to D-1 for the data bus. We can introduce the abstraction of saying that one voltage level is 1, and the other is 0. And to describe concisely a configuration of a bus, we can compute the numbers: A-1 a = Σ aᵢ × 2ⁱ i=0 D-1 d = Σ dᵢ × 2ⁱ i=0 aᵢ being the voltage of the line i of the address bus, dᵢ being the voltage of the line i of the data bus. Notice that those numbers depend on the order in which we number the lines of the buses. You could switch two lines, and you'd get a different voltage configurations therefore a different number. (A is the number of lines or "bits" of the address bus, D is the number of lines or "bits" of the data bus). So now we can say the ROM is a big array that gives a number _d_ between 0 and 2^D-1 for each number _a_ between 0 and 2^A-1. Similarly, when the processor receives a certain voltage configuration on its data bus at the right time, it will use this electrical configuration to deterministically evolve in a certain way. The number of different ways it can evolve is big but is finite. We can simplify the description of how the processor evolves, by remarking that there are families of evolving, and that the family of evolution depends on the voltage levels on the data bus at certain times. We can then give names to those families and say for example that when the processor receives the number 208, it will evolve in such a way that the register will have a configuration of voltages that depends on its previous configuration of voltages and the configuration of voltages of another register in such a way, that, given a numbering of the circuits in those registers, the number obtained by a formula like above are such that: new_r1 ← old_r1 + r2 and we may call "ADD r1,r2" the number 208. As humans, may may have a better time talking of ADD r1,r2 and remembering that means new_r1 ← old_r1 + r2, than talking of numbers and registers, , or of voltage levels and electrical circuits. If only because our short term memory is limited to about 7 elements. ADD r1,r2 is 3 elements: addition, register 1, and register 3. So we're left with 4 free brain cells to think about the rest of the code :-) But if we had to think about the voltage levels and electrical circuits, we'd be overwhelmed. However, in reality, that's all there is to a hardware electronic computer. So perhaps now we could answer in a way to this question, how does code get translated to voltage inside a CPU transistor? Code doesn't get translated to voltage, it is already voltage (or other electrical circuit configurations) in the hardware computer. It actually start as connections between lines in the ROM. And those connections originally have been made by human hand, following an abstract plan, a program or "code" imagined by a human programmer. Actually the early computers were programming this way, by wiring a "patch board" which was essentially a ROM made of cables. Those patch boards were interchangeable, so you could run different programs on the same computer. Then, there was no difference between "code" and "voltage". Once this bootstrapping stage is passed, we have computers with ROMs containing programs (wiring) that will drive the electrical configurations of the electronic computer hardware, and there's no code. When you type a key on the keyboard, there's a little electrical configuration change that deterministically determine the evolution of the electrical circuits in the keyboard, and in the computer. So, as a human being, you may be thinking you're typing the letter "A", but what you're really doing, is to move down some key on the keyboard, and this produces determined variations of tensions and currents and charges and magnetic fields inside the computer hardware. Similarly when you type other letters such as "ADD r1,r2". This, according to the programs (electrical configurations) running in (making evolve in a given direction) the computer, may change the electrical configuration of the RAM or the hard disk magnetic areas. However, it is most probable that those electrical configurations don't make a meaningful program for the machine. Note that some early computers were designed so that the electrical configurations corresponding to your idea of letters and numbers, also corresponded directly to executable instructions: reading the punched cards with those "characters", ie. material holes in the card, which were translated to electrical current on certain wires, and then on, to the orientation of the magnetic field in core memories, would then drive directly the processor to evolves its electric configuration in a way that meant something useful to the programmers. But this is not generally the case. (There are some text strings that when stored in memory using the ASCII code make interesting X86 programs, but they're rare enough. For example, there's the EICAR virus test file, which is 68 characters that can be executed directly on x86 MS-DOS/MS-Windows machines.). So you've typed on keys on the keyboard, and this has configured charges in a few cells of the DRAM memory of your computers, in such a way that we could say there's stored the string "ADD r1,r2". How do we obtain a memory cell with the charge configuration corresponding to the number 208, or that would drive the processor to evolves in such a way that its register r1 gets a configuration of voltage that we would interpret as the sum of it's previous configuration with the configuration of voltage of the register r2? Well, by writing a program to do it! But this program will take a sequence of numbers as input, interpreting them as characters encoded in a given code (ASCII or UTF-8 nowadays, EBCDIC or some other code in the old days), and by processing those numbers it would output the number 208 (and perhaps a few others). Then another program would be able to "load" those numbers in memory and to "jump" to them to make them executed by the processor. Err, no way! Actually it's voltage configurations making the processors change voltage configurations in such a way that the new voltage confugurations are used by the processor to determine how it will further evolve. Yep. That's the truth, but it's too complex to be understood. Therefore we talk at higher levels of abstraction, introducing those "codes". Machine code, source code, program specifications, etc. The codes don't get translated, because they're abstractions that are only in human minds. Those abstractions may be reflected, "represented" as otherwise meaningless electrical configurations in the computer. But they can be processed by special electrical configurations called compilers to be transformed into electrical configurations that can be used by the processor. We as human imagine that the source code is compiled into object code. And we imagine that the object code, a sequence of numbers is executed by a processor that has registers, ALU, FPU, and so on. But this is only something we're imagining to be able to understand what's happening in an electrical circuit that's becoming soon almost as complex as our brains, and that we just have not the capability to understand at its actual material level. There is no translation of code toward voltage. There is the processing of the hardware computer which transforms electrical configurations of some kind into electrical configurations of some other kind, and that we imagine being the transformation of source code (text describing some processing), into object code (sequence of numbers describing the same processing for the machine). There can be no such translation of code towar voltage because they are two entirely different categories, living in two entirely different universes. The voltages are in the physical world. Code is in the world of mathematical beings. Voltages will end with the universe, anywhen between 15 billion years and 200 billion years with the heat death. Code lives eternally, like any mathematical concept. They have parallel lifes. The brain of a programmer finds the mathematical being, the algorithm. He expresses it in a language as source code, and use another mathematical being, another algorithm, to transalte this source code into some object code. In parallel, the programmer has moved keys on a keyboard, and electrical configurations have changed in the machine. Since the programmer of the compiler did the same for the compiler program, there is in the machine an electrical configuration that lives in parallel to the compiler, and that can be used to transform the electrical configuration parallel to the source code, into an electrical configuration parallel to the object code. And this later electrical configuration can be used by the processor to evolve its electrical configurations in a way that parallels the process described by the algorithm of the program. Each level of abstraction stays in its own world. We could say that the code gets translated into voltage when the programmer wires the lines of the ROM, or when he move the keys of its keyboard. That'd be the closest "translating" steps there would be, since that's the only time when the computer hardware is manipulated to enfore the parallelism between the code world imagined by the programmer, and the hardware of machine in the physical world. But since the electrical configuration that are executed by the computer are usually generated by the computer itself following the electrical configurations corresponding to the compiler program, you can see that it's a little stretched an interpretation. As long as the hardware works (things in the physical world tend to fail: stars explode into novas, atoms don't stay in place, things break, etc), but as long as the hardware works as designed, you can just forget it, and just live in the world of mathematical abstractions and source code.
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