Paste number 141466: | schema |
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When: | 11 years, 3 weeks ago |
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Table "public.wco_group" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------------------+--------------------------+----------- obj_oid | bigint | not null modified | timestamp with time zone | deleted | boolean | origin | character varying | foreignid | character varying | name | character varying | description | character varying | type | wcof_tag | start_date | timestamp with time zone | end_date | timestamp with time zone | organization_oid | bigint | class_number | character varying | period | character varying | instructor_oid | bigint | teaching_assistant_oid | bigint | auto_authorize | boolean | facility_oid | bigint | address_1 | character varying | address_2 | character varying | city | character varying | state | character varying | country | character varying | postal_code | character varying | phone | character varying | email | character varying | fax | character varying | url | character varying | note | character varying | account_number | character varying | maintenance_contract_number | character varying | maintenance_contract_notes | character varying | job_numbers | character varying | agency_number | character varying | Indexes: "wco_group_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (obj_oid) Table "public.group_authorization" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+--------------------------+----------- obj_oid | bigint | not null group_oid | bigint | not null person_oid | bigint | not null rtype_oid | bigint | not null expire | timestamp with time zone | start_date | timestamp with time zone | Indexes: "group_authorization_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (obj_oid) "group_authorization_group_idx" btree (group_oid) "group_authorization_person_idx" btree (person_oid) "group_authorization_rtype_idx" btree (rtype_oid) Table "public.group_member" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+--------------------------+----------- obj_oid | bigint | not null origin | character varying | modified | timestamp with time zone | group_oid | bigint | not null person_oid | bigint | not null expire | timestamp with time zone | Indexes: "group_member_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (obj_oid) "unique_membership" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (group_oid, person_oid) "group_member_expire_idx" btree (expire) "group_member_group_idx" btree (group_oid) "group_member_origin_idx" btree (origin) "group_member_person_idx" btree (person_oid)
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