Paste number 143606: working version of pypi2guix

Paste number 143606: working version of pypi2guix
Pasted by: davexunit
When:10 years, 6 months ago
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(define-module (pypi2guix)
  #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
  #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
  #:use-module (curl)
  #:use-module (json)
  #:use-module (web uri)
  #:use-module (guix base32)
  #:use-module (guix hash))

(define (hash-table->alist table)
  (map (lambda (pair)
         (match pair
           ((key . (? list? lst))
            (cons key
                  (map (lambda (x)
                         (if (hash-table? x)
                             (hash-table->alist x)
           ((key . (? hash-table? table))
            (cons key (hash-table->alist table)))
           (pair pair)))
       (hash-map->list cons table)))

(define (flatten lst)
   (lambda (elem memo)
     (if (list? elem)
         (append (flatten elem) memo)
         (cons elem memo)))
   '() lst))

(define (join lst delimiter)
  (match lst
    (() '())
     (list elem))
    ((elem . rest)
     (cons* elem delimiter (join rest delimiter)))))

(define (assoc-ref* alist key . rest)
  (if (null? rest)
      (assoc-ref alist key)
      (apply assoc-ref* (assoc-ref alist key) rest)))

(define (string->license license)
  (match license
    ("GNU LGPL" 'lgpl2.0)
    ("GPL" 'gpl3)
    ("BSD" 'bsd-3)
    ("MIT" 'expat)
    ("Public domain" 'public-domain)
    ("UNKNOWN" 'unknown)))

(define* (curl-fetch url #:optional (bytevector? #f))
  (let ((curl-handle (curl-easy-init)))
    (curl-easy-setopt curl-handle 'url url)
    (curl-easy-perform curl-handle bytevector?)))

(define (json-fetch url)
   (json-string->scm (curl-fetch url))))

(define (pypi-fetch name)
  (json-fetch (string-append "" name "/json")))

(define (latest-source-release package)
  (find (lambda (release)
          (string=? "sdist" (assoc-ref release "packagetype")))
        (assoc-ref* package "releases" (assoc-ref* package "info" "version"))))

(define (snake-case str)
  (string-join (string-split (string-downcase str) #\_) "-"))

(define tar.gz-regex (make-regexp "\\.tar\\.gz$"))
(define tarball-regex (make-regexp ".*-(.*)\\.tar\\.gz"))

(define (tarball-url->string-append package url)
  (define (package-version? part)
    (string=? part (assoc-ref* package "info" "version")))

  (define (ends-in-tar.gz? part)
    (regexp-exec tar.gz-regex part))

  (define (fold-strings lst)
     (lambda (elem memo)
        ((null? memo)
         (list elem))
        ((and (string? elem) (string? (car memo)))
         (cons (string-append elem (car memo)) (cdr memo)))
         (cons elem memo))))
     '() lst))

  (let ((uri (string->uri url)))
     (cons* 'string-append
            (symbol->string (uri-scheme uri)) "://"
            (uri-host uri)
              (map (lambda (part)
                     (match part
                       ((? package-version? part)
                       ((? ends-in-tar.gz? part)
                        (let ((matches (regexp-exec tarball-regex part)))
                          `(,(assoc-ref* package "info" "name")
                            "-" version ".tar.gz")))
                       (_ part)))
                   (string-split (uri-path uri) #\/))

(define (guix-hash-url url)
  (let* ((port (open-bytevector-input-port (curl-fetch url #t)))
         (result (bytevector->nix-base32-string (port-sha256 port))))
    (close-port port)

(define (pypi->guix package)
  (let* ((base-name (snake-case (assoc-ref* package "info" "name")))
         (name (string-append "python-" base-name))
         (python2-name (string-append "python2-" base-name))
         (source (latest-source-release package)))
    `((define-public ,(string->symbol name)
          (name ,name)
          (version ,(assoc-ref* package "info" "version"))
          (source (origin
                    (method url-fetch)
                    (uri ,(tarball-url->string-append
                           (assoc-ref source "url")))
                      ,(guix-hash-url (assoc-ref source "url"))))))
          (build-system python-build-system)
           `(("python-setuptools" ,python-setuptools)))
          (home-page ,(assoc-ref* package "info" "home_page"))
          (synopsis ,(assoc-ref* package "info" "summary"))
          (description ,(assoc-ref* package "info" "summary"))
          (license ,(string->license (assoc-ref* package "info" "license")))))
      (define-public ,(string->symbol python2-name)
        (package-with-python2 ,(string->symbol name))))))

(when (batch-mode?)
  (match (program-arguments)
    ((_ pypi-package)
     (for-each (lambda (sexp)
                 (pretty-print sexp)
               (pypi->guix (pypi-fetch pypi-package))))))

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