Paste number 144140: | CHICKEN Scheme ansi-escape-codes egg demonstration |
Pasted by: | ewfalor |
When: | 10 years, 5 months ago |
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#!/usr/bin/csi -s
(use posix ansi-escape-sequences srfi-18)
(define *banner*
" _ ___ _ ___ __ _ ___ ___ "
" / ` )_) ) / ` )_/ )_ )\\ ) (_ ` / ` )_) )_ )\\/) )_ "
" (_. ( ( _(_ (_. / ) (__ ( ( .__) (_. ( ( (__ ( ( (__ "
" "
(define *height* (vector-length *banner*))
(define *colors*
'((#xff #x00 #xff) (#xff #x00 #xd4) (#xff #x00 #xaa)
(#xff #x00 #x80) (#xff #x00 #x55) (#xff #x00 #x2a)
(#xff #x00 #x00) (#xff #x2a #x00) (#xff #x55 #x00)
(#xff #x80 #x00) (#xff #xaa #x00) (#xff #xd4 #x00)
(#xff #xff #x00) (#xd4 #xff #x00) (#xaa #xff #x00)
(#x80 #xff #x00) (#x55 #xff #x00) (#x2a #xff #x00)
(#x00 #xff #x00) (#x00 #xff #x2a) (#x00 #xff #x55)
(#x00 #xff #x80) (#x00 #xff #xaa) (#x00 #xff #xd4)
(#x00 #xff #xff) (#x00 #xd4 #xff) (#x00 #xaa #xff)
(#x00 #x80 #xff) (#x00 #x55 #xff) (#x00 #x2a #xff)
(#x00 #x00 #xff) (#x2a #x00 #xff) (#x55 #x00 #xff)
(#x80 #x00 #xff) (#xaa #x00 #xff) (#xd4 #x00 #xff)))
(set-buffering-mode! (current-output-port) #:none)
(display (save-cursor-position))
(display (hide-cursor))
(display (set-title "The colors of the rainbow, in your console!"))
(do ((n 0 (add1 n))) ((= n (add1 *height*))) (newline))
(display (cursor-up *height*))
;; print a banner
(do ((j 16 (add1 j))) ((= j 52))
(do ((k 0 (add1 k))) ((= k 2))
(do ((i 0 (add1 i))) ((= i *height*))
(display (set-text256 `(bold (background ,j)) (string (string-ref (vector-ref *banner* i) (+ k (* 2 (- j 16)))))))
(thread-sleep! 0.04)
(display (cursor-down 1))
(display (cursor-backward 1)))
(display (cursor-up *height*))
(display (cursor-forward 1))))
;; adjust the banner's colors to look like a rainbow (in supported terminals)
(let ((rotate-left (lambda (lst) (append (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) '())))))
(for-each (lambda (i c)
(display (set-color256! i (first c) (second c) (third c))) (thread-sleep! .04))
(iota 36 51 -1) (reverse *colors*))
(thread-sleep! 0.5)
(let loop ((j 0) (*colors* *colors*))
(when (< j 175)
;; cycle the palette
(for-each (lambda (i c)
(display (set-color256! i (first c) (second c) (third c))))
(iota 36 16) *colors*)
(thread-sleep! 0.04)
(loop (add1 j) (rotate-left *colors*)))))
(display (set-title "Cursor movement"))
(display (show-cursor))
(display (restore-cursor-position))
(for-each (lambda (letter)
(display letter)
(thread-sleep! 0.25)
(cursor-forward 1))
'("C" "H" "I" "C" "K" "E" "N"))
(display " ")
(for-each (lambda (letter)
(display (set-text '(bg-black fg-yellow) letter))
(thread-sleep! 0.25)
(cursor-forward 1))
'("r" "o" "c" "k" "s" "!"))
(display (set-title "Let that sink in for a moment..."))
(thread-sleep! 2.25)
(display (restore-cursor-position))
(display (erase-line))
(display (set-title "What I really meant to say:"))
(for-each (lambda (letter)
(display letter)
(thread-sleep! 0.25)
(cursor-forward 1))
'("C" "H" "I" "C" "K" "E" "N"))
(display " ")
(for-each (lambda (letter)
(display (set-text '(bold bg-red fg-white) letter))
(thread-sleep! 0.25)
(cursor-forward 1))
'("r" "u" "l" "e" "s" "!"))
(display (restore-cursor-position))
(display (cursor-down (add1 *height*)))
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