Paste number 26252: | full translation of filinski's "representing monads [with delimited continuations]" into scheme code (now with bugs fixed) |
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When: | 18 years, 5 months ago |
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;; shift/reset (define *meta-cont* #f) (define (abort t) (let ((v (t))) (*meta-cont* v))) (define (shift h) (call/cc (lambda (k) (abort (lambda () (h (lambda (v) (reset (lambda () (k v)))))))))) (define (reset t) (let ((old-meta-cont *meta-cont*)) (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! *meta-cont* (lambda (v) (set! *meta-cont* old-meta-cont) (k v))) (abort t))))) (+ 1 (reset (lambda () (* 2 (shift (lambda (k) (k (k 10)))))))) ;; reflection and reification of monads (define (reflect unit extend) (lambda (m) (shift (lambda (k) (extend k m))))) (define (reify unit extend) (lambda (t) (extend unit (reset (lambda () (unit (t))))))) ;; exception monad (define (ex-success x) (list 'success x)) (define (ex-error msg) (list 'error msg)) (define ex-unit ex-success) (define (ex-extend f x) (case (car x) ((success) (f (cadr x))) ((error) x))) (define ex-reflect (reflect ex-unit ex-extend)) (define ex-reify (reify ex-unit ex-extend)) (define (ex-raise msg) (ex-reflect (ex-error msg))) (define (ex-handle t h) (let ((rt (ex-reify t))) (case (car rt) ((success) (cadr rt)) ((error) (h (cadr rt)))))) (define (ex-run t) (ex-handle (lambda () (string-append "OK: " (number->string (t)))) (lambda (msg) (string-append "Error: " msg)))) (ex-run (lambda () (+ 1 2))) (ex-run (lambda () (+ 1 (ex-raise "Oops!")))) ;; state monad (define (st-unit x) (lambda (s) (list x s))) (define (st-extend f m) (lambda (s) (let* ((v (m s)) (x (car v)) (s (cadr v))) ((f x) s)))) (define st-reflect (reflect st-unit st-extend)) (define st-reify (reify st-unit st-extend)) (define (st-fetch) (st-reflect (lambda (s) (list s s)))) (define (st-store x) (st-reflect (lambda (s) (list #f x)))) (define (st-tick) (st-reflect (lambda (s) (list #f (+ s 1))))) (define (st-run s t) (car ((st-reify t) s))) (st-run 0 (lambda () (st-store 5) (st-tick) (* 2 (st-fetch)))) ;; nondeterminism monad (define nd-zero '()) (define nd-unit list) (define nd-plus append) (define (nd-extend f x) (if (eq? x nd-zero) nd-zero (nd-plus (f (car x)) (nd-extend f (cdr x))))) (define nd-reflect (reflect nd-unit nd-extend)) (define nd-reify (reify nd-unit nd-extend)) (define (nd-amb x y) (nd-reflect (nd-plus (nd-reify (lambda () x)) (nd-reify (lambda () y))))) (define (nd-fail) (nd-reflect nd-zero)) (define (nd-run t) (nd-reify t)) (nd-run (lambda () (let ((x (* (nd-amb 3 4) (nd-amb 5 7)))) (if (>= x 20) x (nd-fail))))) (nd-run (lambda () (let ((x (nd-reflect (list 3 4 5))) (y (nd-reflect (list "foo" "bar")))) (list x y)))) ;; continuation monad (define (k-unit x) (lambda (k) (k x))) (define (k-extend f t) (lambda (k) (t (lambda (v) ((f v) k))))) (define k-reflect (reflect k-unit k-extend)) (define k-reify (reify k-unit k-extend)) (define (k-call/cc h) (k-reflect (lambda (c) (define (k v) (k-reflect (lambda _ (c v)))) ((k-reify (lambda () (h k))) c)))) (define (k-shift h) (k-reflect (lambda (c) (define (k v) (k-reflect (lambda (c*) (c* (c v))))) ((k-reify (lambda () (h k))) (lambda (x) x))))) (define (k-reset t) (k-reflect (lambda (c) (c ((k-reify t) (lambda (x) x)))))) (define (k-run t) ((k-reify t) (lambda (x) x))) (number->string (k-run (lambda () (+ 3 (k-call/cc (lambda (k) (+ 6 (k 1)))))))) (k-run (lambda () (string-append "a" (k-reset (lambda () (string-append "b" (k-shift (lambda (k) (k (k "c"))))))))))
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