Paste number 331860: | ftp.lisp |
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;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- ;;;; Authors: ;;;; * Matthew Danish <> ;;;; * Hans Hübner ;;;; See LICENSE file for copyright details. ;;;; FTP client functionality (defpackage #:org.mapcar.ftp.client (:use #:common-lisp #:split-sequence #:usocket) (:nicknames #:ftp.client #:ftp) (:export #:ftp-connection #:with-ftp-connection #:connect-to-server #:close-connection #:send-list-command #:send-nlst-command #:with-transfer-socket #:call-with-transfer-socket #:ftp-error #:invalid-code #:transient-negative-completion #:permanent-negative-completion #:ftp-error-code #:error-message #:expected #:received #:passive-ftp-p #:code-cut-off-p #:ftp-hostname #:ftp-port #:ftp-username #:ftp-password #:ftp-session-stream #:data-to-string #:retrieve-file #:store-file #:receive-response #:data-ready-p #:retrieve-filename-list #:retrieve-file-info-list)) (in-package #:org.mapcar.ftp.client) (define-condition ftp-error () ((ftp-error-code :initarg :ftp-error-code :initform "\"unspecified\"" :reader ftp-error-code :documentation "Code associated with message") (error-message :initarg :error-message :initform "\"unspecified\"" :reader error-message :documentation "FTP server's error message")) (:report (lambda (c s) (format s "FTP error ~A raised: ~A" (ftp-error-code c) (error-message c))))) (define-condition invalid-code (ftp-error) ((expected :reader expected :initarg :expected :documentation "Expected code") (received :reader received :initarg :received :documentation "Received code")) (:report (lambda (c s) (format s "Expected FTP code ~A, got FTP code ~A" (expected c) (received c))))) (define-condition transient-negative-completion (ftp-error) () (:report (lambda (c s) (format s "Received transient error code ~A: ~A" (ftp-error-code c) (error-message c)))) (:documentation "Signalled when a transient error is received from the FTP server. This means that the input was fine, but something else went wrong. Feel free to resend.")) (define-condition permanent-negative-completion (ftp-error) () (:report (lambda (c s) (format s "Received permanent error code ~A: ~A" (ftp-error-code c) (error-message c)))) (:documentation "Signalled when a permanent error is received from the FTP server. This means that the input was not acceptable and should not be re-sent.")) (defclass ftp-connection () ((hostname :initarg :hostname :reader ftp-hostname :documentation "The remote hostname") (port :initarg :port :initform 21 :reader ftp-port :documentation "The remote port") (username :initarg :username :initform "anonymous" :reader ftp-username :documentation "The login username") (password :initarg :password :initform "" :reader ftp-password :documentation "The login password") (session-stream :initarg :session-stream :initform nil :reader ftp-session-stream :documentation "Send FTP session output to this stream, if non-nil") (passive-ftp-p :initarg :passive-ftp-p :initform nil :accessor passive-ftp-p :documentation "Use passive FTP if non-nil") (code-cut-off-p :initarg :code-cut-off-p :initform t :accessor code-cut-off-p :documentation "When non-nil, cut-off FTP codes in logging output") (connection-socket)) (:documentation "Represents an FTP connection and associated state. The INITIALIZE-INSTANCE :AFTER method takes care of connection and login, if possible.")) (defmacro %doc-fns (&rest list) `(progn ,@(loop :for (sym doc) :on list :by #'cddr :collect `(setf (documentation ',sym 'function) ',doc)))) (%doc-fns ftp-hostname "The remote hostname" ftp-port "The remote port" ftp-username "The login username" ftp-password "The login password" ftp-session-stream "The session stream for the FTP connection" passive-ftp-p "Non-nil iff given FTP connection is to use passive FTP for data transfers" (setf passive-ftp-p) "Value should be non-nil to use passive FTP for data transfers with the given FTP connection" code-cut-off-p "Non-nil iff FTP codes are to be cut-off when logging" (setf code-cut-off-p) "Alter value of code-cut-off-p") (defmacro with-ftp-connection-slots ((conn) &body body) `(with-slots (connection-socket hostname port username password session-stream passive-ftp-p code-cut-off-p) ,conn ,@body)) (defmethod print-object ((obj ftp-connection) stream) (with-ftp-connection-slots (obj) (print-unreadable-object (obj stream) (format stream "FTP connection to ~A:~A username: ~A" hostname port username)))) (defun raise-ftp-error (error-code error-msg &key (expected-code nil)) (cond ((and (>= error-code 400) (< error-code 500)) (error 'transient-negative-completion :ftp-error-code error-code :error-message error-msg)) ((and (>= error-code 500) (< error-code 600)) (error 'permanent-negative-completion :ftp-error-code error-code :error-message error-msg)) (expected-code (error 'invalid-code :expected expected-code :received error-code :ftp-error-code error-code :error-message error-msg)) (t (error 'ftp-error :ftp-error-code error-code :error-message error-msg)))) (defun data-to-string (data) "Converts a list of strings, such as that produced by receive-response, to one string with newlines after each formerly-list-element." (format nil "~{~A~%~}" data)) (defgeneric expect-code-or-lose (conn expected-code)) (defmethod expect-code-or-lose ((conn ftp-connection) (expected-code integer)) (multiple-value-bind (data code) (receive-response conn :block t) (unless (eql code expected-code) (raise-ftp-error code (data-to-string data) :expected-code expected-code)) data)) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((conn ftp-connection) &rest initargs) (declare (ignorable initargs)) (connect-to-server conn)) (defgeneric connect-to-server (conn) (:documentation "Attempts to connect to the server using the information provided by connection-variable. If connection-variable represents an existing connection, then that connection will be closed and a new one established.")) (defmethod connect-to-server ((conn ftp-connection)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (unless (and hostname port (integerp port) (stringp hostname)) (error "You must specify a hostname string and an integer port")) (when (and (slot-boundp conn 'connection-socket) (streamp (socket-stream connection-socket))) (close (socket-stream connection-socket))) (setf connection-socket (socket-connect hostname port)) (unless connection-socket (error "Error connecting to ~A:~A" hostname port)) (when (and username password (stringp username) (stringp password)) (expect-code-or-lose conn 220) (send-raw-line conn (format nil "USER ~A" username)) (expect-code-or-lose conn 331) (send-raw-line conn (format nil "PASS ~A" password)) (expect-code-or-lose conn 230)) (values))) ;; FIXME: Does this in any way interfere with FTP's Unix/DOS line-ending conversion? #+clisp (defmethod connect-to-server :around ((conn ftp-connection)) "clisp considers #\Linefeed and #\Newline to be identical, including conversion to CRLF for :DOS line-endings. This is a hack to let us say #\Return #\Linefeed without ending up with a CR/CR/LF sequence." ;; custom:*default-file-encoding* is a symbol-macro and thus can not be bound ;; by let, hence the use of clisp's letf, which binds places. (ext:letf ((custom:*default-file-encoding* (ext:make-encoding :charset (ext:encoding-charset custom:*default-file-encoding*) :line-terminator :unix))) (call-next-method))) (defmacro with-ftp-connection ((conn &key hostname port username password passive-ftp-p session-stream (code-cut-off-p t code-cut-off-p-p) (if-failed :error)) &body body) "Opens and ensures proper close of an FTP connection. Binds connection-variable to the FTP-CONNECTION object in the scope of body. Arguments are similar to that of the initargs for the class FTP-CONNECTION." `(let ((,conn (make-instance 'ftp-connection ,@(if hostname `(:hostname ,hostname) ()) ,@(if port `(:port ,port) ()) ,@(if username `(:username ,username) ()) ,@(if password `(:password ,password) ()) ,@(if passive-ftp-p `(:passive-ftp-p ,passive-ftp-p) ()) ,@(if session-stream `(:session-stream ,session-stream) ()) ,@(if code-cut-off-p-p `(:code-cut-off-p ,code-cut-off-p) ())))) (if (null ,conn) (if (eql ,if-failed :error) (error "Connection to ~A:~A failed" ,hostname ,port) ,if-failed) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (close-connection ,conn))))) (defgeneric log-session (conn data)) (defmethod log-session ((conn ftp-connection) (data string)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (when (and session-stream (streamp session-stream)) (write-string data session-stream)) (values))) (defmethod log-session ((conn ftp-connection) (data list)) (log-session conn (data-to-string data))) (defgeneric close-connection (conn) (:documentation "Closes the given FTP connection")) (defmethod close-connection ((conn ftp-connection)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (close (socket-stream connection-socket)))) (defgeneric send-raw-line (conn line)) (defmethod send-raw-line ((conn ftp-connection) (line string)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (let ((line (format nil "~A~C~C" line #\Return #\Linefeed))) (log-session conn line) (write-string line (socket-stream connection-socket))) (force-output (socket-stream connection-socket)) (values))) (defgeneric data-ready-p (conn) (:documentation "Non-nil iff data is waiting to be read from the control connection.")) (defmethod data-ready-p ((conn ftp-connection)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (listen (socket-stream connection-socket)))) (defun clean-ftp-response (data) (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (string-trim '(#\Return #\Linefeed #\Newline) line)) data)) (defun maybe-cut-off-code (cut-off-p data code) (if cut-off-p data (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (and (> (length x) 3) (eql (parse-integer x :end 3 :junk-allowed t) code)) (subseq x 4) x)) data))) (defgeneric receive-response (conn &key block) (:documentation "Receives a response from the FTP server. Returns a list of strings as the first value and the response code as the second. If :BLOCK is T, then will block until response received. Otherwise return NIL if nothing is available currently.")) (defmethod receive-response ((conn ftp-connection) &key (block nil)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (when (and (not block) (not (data-ready-p conn))) (return-from receive-response nil)) (loop :with initial-line = (read-line (socket-stream connection-socket)) :with ftp-code = (parse-integer initial-line :end 3) :for line = initial-line :then (read-line (socket-stream connection-socket)) :for line-code = ftp-code :then (when (> (length line) 3) (parse-integer line :end 3 :junk-allowed t)) :when (and code-cut-off-p (eql line-code ftp-code)) :collect (subseq line 4) :into lines :else :collect line :into lines :end :until (and (eql line-code ftp-code) (char= (char line 3) #\Space)) :finally (let ((data (clean-ftp-response lines))) (log-session conn data) (return (values (maybe-cut-off-code code-cut-off-p data ftp-code) ftp-code)))))) (defgeneric send-port-command (conn ip port-num)) (defmethod send-port-command ((conn ftp-connection) (ip string) (port-num integer)) (multiple-value-bind (quot rem) (truncate port-num 256) (send-raw-line conn (format nil "PORT ~A,~A,~A" (substitute #\, #\. ip) quot rem)))) (defgeneric receive-pasv-response (conn)) (defmethod receive-pasv-response ((conn ftp-connection)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (multiple-value-bind (data code) (receive-response conn :block t) (unless (eql code 227) (raise-ftp-error code (data-to-string data) :expected-code 227)) (let ((start (position #\( (first data) :from-end t)) (end (position #\) (first data) :from-end t))) (unless (and start end) (error "Unable to parse PASV response")) (let ((numbers (split-sequence #\, (first data) :start (1+ start) :end end))) (values (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (subseq numbers 0 4)) (+ (ash (parse-integer (fifth numbers)) 8) (parse-integer (sixth numbers))))))))) (defgeneric setup-port (conn &key element-type)) (defmethod setup-port ((conn ftp-connection) &key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (let ((server-socket (socket-listen *wildcard-host* *auto-port* :element-type element-type)) (local-ip (vector-quad-to-dotted-quad (get-local-name connection-socket)))) (send-port-command conn local-ip (get-local-port server-socket)) server-socket))) (defgeneric establish-data-transfer (conn command &key rest type)) (defmethod establish-data-transfer ((conn ftp-connection) (command string) &key (rest nil) (type :binary)) (with-ftp-connection-slots (conn) (send-raw-line conn (format nil "TYPE ~A" (ecase type ((:binary :image) "I") (:ascii "A")))) (expect-code-or-lose conn 200) (cond (passive-ftp-p (send-raw-line conn "PASV") (multiple-value-bind (dtp-hostname dtp-port) (receive-pasv-response conn) (let ((data-socket (socket-connect dtp-hostname dtp-port :element-type (ecase type ((:binary :image) '(unsigned-byte 8)) (:ascii 'character))))) (when (and rest (integerp rest)) (send-raw-line conn (format nil "REST ~A" rest))) (send-raw-line conn command) data-socket))) (t (let ((server-socket (setup-port conn :element-type (ecase type ((:binary :image) '(unsigned-byte 8)) (:ascii 'character))))) (unwind-protect (progn (when (and rest (integerp rest)) (send-raw-line conn (format nil "REST ~A" rest))) (expect-code-or-lose conn 200) (send-raw-line conn command) (socket-accept server-socket)) (socket-close server-socket))))))) (defgeneric flush-response (conn)) (defmethod flush-response ((conn ftp-connection)) (loop while (receive-response conn))) (defgeneric call-with-transfer-socket (conn command fn &rest args) (:documentation "Similar to WITH-TRANSFER-SOCKET, except that function is a function which accepts a single argument; namely the transfer-socket")) (defmethod call-with-transfer-socket ((conn ftp-connection) (command string) (fn function) &rest args) (flush-response conn) (let ((transfer-socket (apply #'establish-data-transfer conn command args))) (unwind-protect (funcall fn transfer-socket) (progn (close (socket-stream transfer-socket)) (loop (multiple-value-bind (data code) (receive-response conn) (declare (ignorable data)) (when (and (integerp code) (eql code 226)) (return-from call-with-transfer-socket t)) (when (and (integerp code) (>= code 500)) (return-from call-with-transfer-socket nil)))))))) (defmacro with-transfer-socket ((socket conn command &rest args) &body body) "Opens a data transfer socket in the scope of body, using the given FTP connection and executing the given FTP command-string. If :REST is specified, then the FTP \"REST\" command will be sent with the value of the argument. :TYPE may be :BINARY or :ASCII. Closes the transfer-socket upon dynamic exit of body." `(call-with-transfer-socket ,conn ,command #'(lambda (,socket) ,@body) ,@args)) (defgeneric send-list-command (conn output &optional pathname) (:documentation "Sends the FTP LIST command. If OUTPUT is NIL, returns a string. If OUTPUT is T, prints to *standard-output*. Otherwise, it treats OUTPUT as the output stream.")) (defmethod send-list-command ((conn ftp-connection) (output null) &optional (pathname ".")) (with-output-to-string (s) (send-list-command conn s pathname))) ;; FIXME: Should (output t) be (output (eq t))? Running when output is ;; something like "ham" would be ... weird. (defmethod send-list-command ((conn ftp-connection) (output t) &optional (pathname ".")) (send-list-command conn *standard-output* pathname)) (defmethod send-list-command ((conn ftp-connection) (output stream) &optional (pathname ".")) (flet ((read-all (s) (loop (handler-case (write-line (read-line (socket-stream s)) output) (end-of-file () (return (values))))))) (with-transfer-socket (s conn (format nil "LIST ~A" pathname) :type :ascii) (read-all s)))) (defgeneric send-nlst-command (conn output &optional pathname) (:documentation "Sends the FTP NLST command. If OUTPUT is NIL, returns a string. If OUTPUT is T, prints to *standard-output*. Otherwise, it treats OUTPUT as the output stream.")) (defmethod send-nlst-command ((conn ftp-connection) (output null) &optional (pathname ".")) (with-output-to-string (s) (send-nlst-command conn s pathname))) ;; FIXME: Should (output t) be (output (eq t))? Running when output is ;; something like "ham" would be ... weird. (defmethod send-nlst-command ((conn ftp-connection) (output t) &optional (pathname ".")) (send-nlst-command conn *standard-output* pathname)) (defmethod send-nlst-command ((conn ftp-connection) (output stream) &optional (pathname ".")) (flet ((read-all (s) (loop (handler-case (write-line (read-line (socket-stream s)) output) (end-of-file () (return (values))))))) (with-transfer-socket (s conn (format nil "NLST ~A" pathname) :type :ascii) (read-all s)))) (defgeneric retrieve-filename-list (conn &optional pathname) (:documentation "Retrieves a list of filenames for the given pathname.")) (defmethod retrieve-filename-list ((conn ftp-connection) &optional (pathname ".")) (let* ((data (send-nlst-command conn nil pathname)) (split-data (split-sequence #\Newline data :remove-empty-subseqs t))) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (string-trim '(#\Return) x)) split-data))) (defgeneric retrieve-file-info-list (conn &optional pathname) (:documentation "Retrieves a list of the form (type name) where type is :DIRECTORY or :FILE and name is a filename in the given directory named by pathname. Note: this is implemented by attempting CWDs, and may break if the FTP server does strange things.")) (defmethod retrieve-file-info-list ((conn ftp-connection) &optional (pathname ".")) (let ((names (retrieve-filename-list conn pathname)) (file-info-list nil) (orig-dir (send-pwd-command conn)) (base-dir nil)) (send-cwd-command conn pathname) (setf base-dir (send-pwd-command conn)) (unwind-protect (dolist (name names file-info-list) (handler-case (progn (send-cwd-command conn name) (push (list :directory name) file-info-list)) (ftp-error () (push (list :file name) file-info-list))) (send-cwd-command conn base-dir)) (send-cwd-command conn orig-dir)))) (defgeneric retrieve-file (conn remote-filename local-file &key type rest &allow-other-keys) (:documentation "Retrieves a file given a remote filename, and a local filename or stream. :TYPE is either :ASCII or :BINARY, and :REST specifies an integer amount to seek into the file before retrieving it.")) (defmethod retrieve-file ((conn ftp-connection) (remote-filename string) local-filename &key (type :binary) (rest nil) (if-exists :error)) (with-open-file (local-stream local-filename :direction :output :if-exists if-exists :element-type (ecase type ((:binary :image) '(unsigned-byte 8)) (:ascii 'character))) ;; if-exists can be nil, so we have to check if local-stream is non-nil (when local-stream (retrieve-file conn remote-filename local-stream :type type :rest rest)))) (defmethod retrieve-file ((conn ftp-connection) (remote-filename string) (local-stream stream) &key (type :binary) (rest nil)) (with-transfer-socket (s conn (format nil "RETR ~A" remote-filename) :type type :rest rest) (handler-case (ecase type ((:binary :image) (loop (write-byte (read-byte (socket-stream s)) local-stream))) (:ascii (loop (write-char (read-char (socket-stream s)) local-stream)))) (end-of-file () (values))))) (defgeneric store-file (conn local-filename remote-filename &key type rest) (:documentation "Stores a file given a local filename or stream and a remote filename. :TYPE is either :ASCII or :BINARY.")) (defmethod store-file ((conn ftp-connection) local-filename (remote-filename string) &key (type :binary) (rest nil)) (with-open-file (local-stream local-filename :direction :input :element-type (ecase type ((:binary :image) '(unsigned-byte 8)) (:ascii 'character))) (store-file conn local-stream remote-filename :type type :rest rest))) (defmethod store-file ((conn ftp-connection) (local-stream stream) (remote-filename string) &key (type :binary) (rest nil)) (with-transfer-socket (s conn (format nil "STOR ~A" remote-filename) :type type :rest rest) (handler-case (ecase type ((:binary :image) (loop (write-byte (read-byte local-stream) (socket-stream s)))) (:ascii (loop (write-char (read-char local-stream) (socket-stream s))))) (end-of-file () (values))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun %parse-body (body) (if (stringp (first body)) (values (first body) (rest body)) (values nil body))) (defun %get-arg-name (arg) (if (symbolp arg) arg (first arg)))) (defmacro def-simple-command (cmd (conn &rest args) &body body) (let ((name (intern (format nil "SEND-~A-COMMAND" cmd)))) (multiple-value-bind (doc body) (%parse-body body) `(progn (defgeneric ,name (,conn ,@(mapcar #'%get-arg-name args)) ,@(if doc `((:documentation ,doc)))) (defmethod ,name ((,conn ftp-connection) ,@args) (flush-response ,conn) ,@body) (export ',name) ',name)))) (def-simple-command dele (conn (remote-filename string)) (send-raw-line conn (format nil "DELE ~A" remote-filename)) (expect-code-or-lose conn 250)) (def-simple-command size (conn (remote-filename string)) "Sends the FTP SIZE command on the given remote-filename. Returns an integer size. Signals error if no such file." (send-raw-line conn (format nil "SIZE ~A" remote-filename)) (parse-integer (first (expect-code-or-lose conn 213)))) (def-simple-command cwd (conn (remote-dir string)) "Sends the FTP CWD command, to change to the given remote-directory. If remote-directory is \"..\", CDUP is sent instead. Signals error if not possible." (send-raw-line conn (if (string-equal remote-dir "..") "CDUP" (format nil "CWD ~A" remote-dir))) (expect-code-or-lose conn 250)) (def-simple-command cdup (conn) "Sends the FTP CDUP command." (send-raw-line conn "CDUP") (expect-code-or-lose conn 250)) (defun parse-257-response (string) (let ((start (1+ (position #\" string))) (last (1- (length string)))) (with-output-to-string (out) (do ((i start (1+ i))) ((>= i last) (values)) (if (char= (char string i) #\") (cond ((char= (char string (1+ i)) #\") (write-char #\" out) (incf i)) (t (return (values)))) (write-char (char string i) out)))))) (def-simple-command pwd (conn) "Sends the FTP PWD command and returns the current working directory as a string." (send-raw-line conn "PWD") (parse-257-response (data-to-string (expect-code-or-lose conn 257)))) (def-simple-command mkd (conn (dir-name string)) "Sends the FTP MKD command to make a remote directory. Returns directory name as string. Signals error if not possible." (send-raw-line conn (format nil "MKD ~A" dir-name)) (parse-257-response (data-to-string (expect-code-or-lose conn 257))))
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