Paste number 6063: | CLX translate function that seems to work in the presence of non-ASCII characters |
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When: | 20 years, 2 weeks ago |
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;;; remove this file whenever CLX is fixed and McCLIM removes its private ;;; implementation of translate. (in-package :clim-clx) (defun translate (src src-start src-end afont dst dst-start) (let ((min-char-index (xlib:font-min-char afont)) (max-char-index (xlib:font-max-char afont))) (if (stringp src) (loop for i from src-start below src-end for j from dst-start for index = (char-code (aref src i)) while (<= min-char-index index max-char-index) do (setf (aref dst j) index) finally (return i)) (loop for i from src-start below src-end for j from dst-start for index = (if (characterp (aref src i)) (char-code (aref src i)) (aref src i)) while (<= min-char-index index max-char-index) do (setf (aref dst j) index) finally (return i)))))
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