Paste number 7527: | interruptable map |
Pasted by: | offby1 |
When: | 19 years, 10 months ago |
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Channel: | #scheme |
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#! /bin/sh #| exec mzscheme -qr "$0" ${1+"$@"} |# ;; A quick (but not very general-purpose, alas) way to get partial ;; results from a function that would ordinarily take a long time to ;; run. (require (lib "" "srfi" "1") (lib "")) (define (permute l) ;; (distribute 3 (list )) => '() ;; (distribute 3 (list 'a )) => ((3 a ) (a 3 ) ) ;; (distribute 3 (list 'a 'b )) => ((3 a b ) (a 3 b ) (a b 3 ) ) ;; (distribute 3 (list 'a 'b 'c)) => ((3 a b c) (a 3 b c) (a b 3 c) (a b c 3)) (define (distribute item l) (cond ((null? l) '()) ((null? (cdr l)) (list (list item (car l)) (list (car l) item))) (#t (cons (cons item l) (map (lambda (seq) (cons (car l) seq)) (distribute item (cdr l))))) )) (cond ((null? l) '()) ((null? (cdr l)) (list l)) (#t (apply append (partial-map 2 (lambda (seq) (distribute (car l) seq)) (permute (cdr l))))))) ;; like `map', but might stop before hitting the end of LIST, and ;; hence return only partial results. (define (partial-map max-seconds-to-run func list) (define result '()) (define (my-map func list) (let loop ((l list)) (if (not (null? l)) (begin (set! result (cons (func (car l)) result)) (loop (cdr l)))))) (let ((t (thread (lambda () (my-map func list))))) (sync/timeout max-seconds-to-run t) ;; if we don't do this, the thread will continue to run and eat ;; CPU and memory. (kill-thread t) ) (reverse result) ) (let ((n 10)) (printf "There are at least ~a permutations of the first ~a nonnegative integers~%" (length (permute (iota n))) n))
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