Paste number 141057: Selector Pattern

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Paste number 141057: Selector Pattern
Pasted by: srborlongan
When:11 years, 1 month ago
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import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

interface FunctionalField<FIELD extends Enum<?>> {
  public Object untypedField(FIELD field);

  public default <VALUE> VALUE field(FIELD field) {
    return (VALUE) untypedField(field);

  public static <FIELD extends Enum<FIELD>> Object throwOnUndefinedField(FIELD field) throws Error {
    throw new InternalError(field + " is undefined");

interface Cell<ELEMENT> {
  public <VALUE> VALUE select(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil);

  public static <ELEMENT, VALUE> VALUE nil(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons,
    Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
    return nil.get();

  public default int size() {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> 1 + next.size(),
      () -> 0

  public default Cell<ELEMENT> first(int size) {
    return Optional.of(size)
      .<Cell<ELEMENT>>map(s -> select(
        (element, next) -> s == 0
          ? nil()
          : cons(element, next.first(s - 1))

  public default <ELEMENT2> Cell<ELEMENT2> map(Function<? super ELEMENT, ? extends ELEMENT2> mapper) {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> Cell.cons(mapper.apply(element),,

  public default <ELEMENT2> Cell<ELEMENT2> flatMap(Function<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT2>> mapper) {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> mapper
          () -> next.flatMap(mapper)

  public interface Cons<ELEMENT> {
    public ELEMENT element();
    public Cell<ELEMENT> next();

    public default <VALUE> VALUE cons(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
      return cons.apply(element(), next());

    public static <ELEMENT> Cons<ELEMENT> new_(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next) {
      return $.$Cons.new_(element, next);

    public enum $ {

      private interface $Cons<ELEMENT> extends Cons<ELEMENT>, FunctionalField<$Cons.Field> {
        public enum Field {

        public default ELEMENT element() {
          return field(Field.element);

        public default Cell<ELEMENT> next() {
          return field(;

        public static <ELEMENT> $Cons<ELEMENT> new_(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next) {
          return field -> {
            switch (field) {
              case element: return element;
              case next: return next;
              default: return FunctionalField.throwOnUndefinedField(field);

  public static <ELEMENT> Cell<ELEMENT> nil() {
    return Cell::nil;

  public static <ELEMENT> Cell<ELEMENT> cons(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next) {
    return Cons.new_(element, next)::cons;

  public static void main(String... arguments) {
    System.out.println(nil() == nil());  // true
    Cell<Integer> cell =
      cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil())))
    System.out.println(cell.size() == 3);  // true
    System.out.println(cell.first(2).size() == 2);  // true

public interface Main {
  public static void main(String... arguments) {

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Annotation number 1: Selector Pattern
Pasted by: srborlongan
When:11 years, 1 month ago
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import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

interface FunctionalField<FIELD extends Enum<?>> {
  public Object untypedField(FIELD field);

  public default <VALUE> VALUE field(FIELD field) {
    return (VALUE) untypedField(field);

  public static <FIELD extends Enum<FIELD>> Object throwOnUndefinedField(FIELD field) throws Error {
    throw new InternalError(field + " is undefined");

interface $Cons<ELEMENT> extends Cons<ELEMENT>, FunctionalField<$Cons.Field> {
  public enum Field {

  public default ELEMENT element() {
    return field(Field.element);

  public default Cell<ELEMENT> next() {
    return field(;

  public default Implementation<ELEMENT> implementation() {
    return field(Field.implementation);

  public static <ELEMENT> $Cons<ELEMENT> new_(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next, Implementation<ELEMENT> implementation) {
    return field -> {
      switch (field) {
        case element: return element;
        case next: return next;
        case implementation: return implementation;
        default: return FunctionalField.throwOnUndefinedField(field);

interface Cons<ELEMENT> {
  public ELEMENT element();
  public Cell<ELEMENT> next();
  public Implementation<ELEMENT> implementation();

  public interface Implementation<ELEMENT> {
    public <VALUE> VALUE select(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next, BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil);

  public default <VALUE> VALUE cons(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
    return implementation().select(element(), next(), cons, nil);

  public static <ELEMENT> Cons<ELEMENT> new_(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next, Implementation<ELEMENT> implementation) {
    return $Cons.new_(element, next, implementation);

interface Cell<ELEMENT> {
  public <VALUE> VALUE select(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil);

  public default int size() {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> 1 + next.size(),
      () -> 0

  public default Cell<ELEMENT> first(int size) {
    return Optional.of(size)
      .<Cell<ELEMENT>>map(s -> select(
        (element, next) -> s == 0
          ? nil()
          : cons(element, next.first(s - 1))

  public default <ELEMENT2> Cell<ELEMENT2> map(Function<? super ELEMENT, ? extends ELEMENT2> mapper) {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> Cell.cons(mapper.apply(element),,

  public default <ELEMENT2> Cell<ELEMENT2> flatMap(Function<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT2>> mapper) {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> mapper
          () -> next.flatMap(mapper)

  public static <ELEMENT, VALUE> VALUE nil(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
    return nil.get();

  public static <ELEMENT, VALUE> VALUE cons(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next, BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
    return cons.apply(element, next);

  public static <ELEMENT> Cell<ELEMENT> nil() {
    return Cell::nil;

  public static <ELEMENT> Cell<ELEMENT> cons(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next) {
    return Cons.new_(

  public static void main(String... arguments) {
    Cell<Integer> cell =
      cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil())))
    System.out.println(nil() == nil());  // true
    System.out.println(cell.size() == 3);  // true
    System.out.println(cell.first(2).size() == 2);  // true

public interface Main {
  public static void main(String... arguments) {

Annotation number 2: Selector Pattern
Pasted by: srborlongan
When:11 years, 1 month ago
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import java.util.function.Function;

interface Selector<TYPE> {
  Object $get(Function<TYPE, Object> fun);

  public default <VALUE> VALUE get(Function<TYPE, VALUE> fun) {
    return (VALUE) $get(
      (Function<TYPE, Object>) fun

  public default TYPE from(Selector<TYPE> selector) {
    throw new InternalError("Selector::from is not implemented.");

  public default <VALUE> TYPE with(Function<TYPE, ? extends VALUE> fun, VALUE value) {
    return from(f -> (f == fun)
      ? value
      : get(f)

interface $Point extends Point, Selector<Point> {
  public static final Function<Point, Integer> X = Point::getX;
  public static final Function<Point, Integer> Y = Point::getY;

  public default int getX() {
    return get(X);

  public default int getY() {
    return get(Y);

  public default Point withX(int x) {
    return with(X, x);

  public default Point withY(int y) {
    return with(Y, y);

  public default Point from(Selector<Point> selector) {
    return ($Point) selector::get;

  public static $Point none() {
    return f -> {
      throw new IllegalStateException("no value");

interface Point {
  public int getX();
  public int getY();

  public Point withX(int x);
  public Point withY(int y);

  public static Point none() {
    return $Point.none();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Point point = none()

public interface Main {
  public static void main(String... arguments) {

Annotation number 3: Selector Pattern
Pasted by: srborlongan
When:11 years, 1 month ago
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import java.util.function.Function;

interface Selector<TYPE> {
  Object $get(Function<TYPE, Object> function);

  public default <VALUE> VALUE get(Function<TYPE, VALUE> function) {
    return (VALUE) $get(
      (Function<TYPE, Object>) function

  public default TYPE from(Selector<TYPE> selector) {
    throw new InternalError("Selector::from is not implemented.");

  public default <VALUE> TYPE with(Function<TYPE, ? extends VALUE> function, VALUE value) {
    return from(f -> (f == function)
      ? value
      : get(f)

  public static <TYPE> Object none(Function<TYPE, Object> function) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("no value");

interface $Point extends Point, Selector<Point> {
  public static final Function<Point, Integer> X = Point::getX;
  public static final Function<Point, Integer> Y = Point::getY;

  public default int getX() {
    return get(X);

  public default int getY() {
    return get(Y);

  public default Point withX(int x) {
    return with(X, x);

  public default Point withY(int y) {
    return with(Y, y);

  public default Point from(Selector<Point> selector) {
    return ($Point) selector::get;

  public static $Point none() {
    return Selector::none;

interface Point {
  public int getX();
  public int getY();

  public Point withX(int x);
  public Point withY(int y);

  public static Point none() {
    return $Point.none();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Point point = none()

public interface Main {
  public static void main(String... arguments) {

Annotation number 4: Selector Pattern
Pasted by: srborlongan
When:11 years, 1 month ago
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import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

interface Selector<TYPE> {
  Object $get(Function<TYPE, Object> function);

  public default <VALUE> VALUE get(Function<TYPE, VALUE> function) {
    return (VALUE) $get(
      (Function<TYPE, Object>) function

  public default TYPE from(Selector<TYPE> selector) {
    throw new InternalError("Selector::from is not implemented.");

  public default <VALUE> TYPE with(Function<TYPE, ? extends VALUE> function, VALUE value) {
    return from(f -> (f == function)
      ? value
      : get(f)

  public static <TYPE> Object none(Function<TYPE, Object> function) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("no value");

interface Cons<ELEMENT> {
  public ELEMENT getElement();
  public Cell<ELEMENT> getNext();
  public Implementation<ELEMENT> getImplementation();

  public Cons<ELEMENT> withElement(ELEMENT element);
  public Cons<ELEMENT> withNext(Cell<ELEMENT> next);
  public Cons<ELEMENT> withImplementation(Implementation<ELEMENT> implementation);

  public interface Implementation<ELEMENT> {
    public <VALUE> VALUE select(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next, BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil);

  public default <VALUE> VALUE cons(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
    return getImplementation()

  public static <ELEMENT> Cons<ELEMENT> none() {
    return $Cons.none();

interface $Cons<ELEMENT> extends Cons<ELEMENT>, Selector<Cons<ELEMENT>> {
  public static <ELEMENT> Function<Cons<ELEMENT>, ELEMENT> Element() {
    return Cons::getElement;

  public static <ELEMENT> Function<Cons<ELEMENT>, Cell<ELEMENT>> Next() {
    return Cons::getNext;

  public static <ELEMENT> Function<Cons<ELEMENT>, Implementation<ELEMENT>> Implementation() {
    return Cons::getImplementation;

  public default ELEMENT getElement() {
    return get(Element());

  public default Cell<ELEMENT> getNext() {
    return get(Next());

  public default Implementation<ELEMENT> getImplementation() {
    return get(Implementation());

  public default Cons<ELEMENT> withElement(ELEMENT element) {
    return with(Element(), element);

  public default Cons<ELEMENT> withNext(Cell<ELEMENT> next) {
    return with(Next(), next);

  public default Cons<ELEMENT> withImplementation(Implementation<ELEMENT> implementation) {
    return with(Implementation(), implementation);

  public default Cons<ELEMENT> from(Selector<Cons<ELEMENT>> selector) {
    return ($Cons<ELEMENT>) selector::get;

  public static <ELEMENT> $Cons<ELEMENT> none() {
    return Selector::none;

interface Cell<ELEMENT> {
  public <VALUE> VALUE select(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil);

  public default int size() {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> 1 + next.size(),
      () -> 0

  public default Cell<ELEMENT> first(int size) {
    return Optional.of(size)
      .<Cell<ELEMENT>>map(s -> select(
        (element, next) -> s == 0
          ? nil()
          : cons(element, next.first(s - 1))

  public default <ELEMENT2> Cell<ELEMENT2> map(Function<? super ELEMENT, ? extends ELEMENT2> mapper) {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> Cell.cons(mapper.apply(element),,

  public default <ELEMENT2> Cell<ELEMENT2> flatMap(Function<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT2>> mapper) {
    return select(
      (element, next) -> mapper
          () -> next.flatMap(mapper)

  public static <ELEMENT, VALUE> VALUE nil(BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
    return nil.get();

  public static <ELEMENT, VALUE> VALUE cons(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next, BiFunction<? super ELEMENT, Cell<ELEMENT>, ? extends VALUE> cons, Supplier<? extends VALUE> nil) {
    return cons.apply(element, next);

  public static <ELEMENT> Cell<ELEMENT> nil() {
    return Cell::nil;

  public static <ELEMENT> Cell<ELEMENT> cons(ELEMENT element, Cell<ELEMENT> next) {
    return Cons.<ELEMENT>none()

  public static void main(String... arguments) {
    Cell<Integer> cell =
      cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil())))
    System.out.println(nil() == nil());  // true
    System.out.println(cell.size() == 3);  // true
    System.out.println(cell.first(2).size() == 2);  // true

public interface Main {
  public static void main(String... arguments) {

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