(setf (find-attribute t :viewer)
'(mewa-object-presentation :global-properties (:editablep nil))
(find-attribute t :editor)
'(mewa-object-presentation :global-properties (:editablep t))
(find-attribute t :one-line)
(find-attribute t :listing)
'(mewa::mewa-list-presentation :global-properties (:editablep nil) :editablep t))
(def-view-class/table "commercial")
(def-view-class/table "codes")
(def-view-class/table "contract")
(def-view-class/table "policy")
(def-view-class/table "claim")
(def-view-class/table "claim-history")
(def-view-class/table "claimtransaction")
(def-view-class/table "person")
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'commercial))
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'codes))
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'contract))
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'policy))
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'claim))
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'claim-history))
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'claimtransaction))
(set-default-attributes (make-instance 'person))
(defcomponent person-display (mewa-object-presentation)
(defcomponent one-line-person (mewa::mewa-one-line-presentation)
(:default-initargs :attributes '(first-name last-name company-name)))
(setf (find-attribute 'person :one-line) '(one-line-person))
(set-attribute 'person 'person-type-code '(code-select :category 1))
(defcomponent new-person (person-display)
:attributes '(first-name last-name company-name)))
(defaction ok ((self new-person) &optional arg)
(declare (ignore arg))
(answer (instance self)))
(set-attribute 'person :new-person '(new-person))
(defmethod mewa::attributes :around ((self person-display))
"Remove a few attributes from the default"
(remove-if #'(lambda (x) (or (eql x 'claim-history->adjuster-id)
(eql x 'user-password)))
(defmethod mewa::attributes :around ((self mewa-object-presentation))
"Remove a few attributes from the default"
(remove-if #'(lambda (x) (or (eql x 'loss-detail)
(eql x 'user-password)
(eql x 'rec-version)
(eql x 'cause-code)
(eql x 'risk-number)))
(setf (find-attribute 'person :viewer) '(person-display :global-properties (:editablep nil)))
(setf (find-attribute 'person 'claim->adjuster-id) '(ucw::has-very-many :label "Claims as Adjuster" :slot-name claim->adjuster-id ) )
(set-attribute 'person 'policy->agent-id '(ucw::has-very-many :label "Policies as Agent"))
(set-attribute 'contract 'commercial->contract-id '(ucw::has-very-many))
(setf (find-attribute 'claim 'status-code) '(code-select :category 4 :label "Status :" :slot-name status-code))
(set-attribute 'claim 'loss-code '(code-select :category 15))
(set-attribute 'claim 'policy-type-code '(code-select :category 3))
(set-attribute 'claim 'cause-code '(code-select :category 6))
(set-attribute 'claim :one-line '(mewa-one-line-presentation :attributes (claim-id loss-code policy-type-code)))
(set-attribute 'policy 'policy-type-code '(code-select :category 3))
(set-attribute 'person 'policy->company-id '(ucw::has-very-many))
(set-attribute 'policy :one-line '(mewa-one-line-presentation :attributes (policy-type-code insured-id effective-date expiry-date)))
(set-attribute 'commercial 'industry-code '(code-select :category 12))
(set-attribute 'commercial 'coverage-code '(code-select :category 13))
(setf (find-attribute 'commercial :one-line) '(mewa-one-line-presentation :attributes (industry-code policy-id ) ))
(set-attribute 'claimtransaction 'transaction-type-code '(code-select :category 17))
(set-attribute 'claimtransaction 'expense-code '(code-select :category 7))
(set-attribute 'claimtransaction :one-line '(mewa-one-line-presentation :attributes (transaction-type-code expense-code amount)))
(defaction edit ((self component))
(call-presentation (instance self) :type :editor))
(defmethod render-on :wrapping ((res response) (self mewa-object-presentation))
(<:h2 (<:as-html (class-name (class-of (instance self)))))
(<ucw:a :action (edit self) (<:as-html "(edit)"))
(defmethod (setf presentation-slot-value) :before (value (slot slot-presentation) instance)
(setf (mewa::modifiedp (ucw::parent slot)) instance))
(defaction ok ((self mewa) &optional arg)
(declare (ignore arg))
(when (mewa::modifiedp self)
(call 'info-message :message "modified")
(add-recent-change (user (body (context.window-component *context*))) (mewa::modifiedp self))
(setf (mewa::modifiedp self) nil))
(answer self))
(let ((p (make-instance 'person :person-type-code nil)))
(<:as-html "Add Person :")
(<ucw:render-component :component (make-presentation p :type :one-line :initargs '(:attributes ((person-type-code :editablep t)))))
(<ucw:submit :action (new-person self p) :value "add"))
(defcomponent new-person (person-display)
:attributes '(first-name last-name company-name)))
(defcomponent person-chooser (mewa::mewa-list-presentation)
:attributes '(first-name
:global-properties '(:editablep nil)
:editablep nil
:deleteablep nil))
(defmethod render-on :wrapping ((res response) (self person-chooser))
(<:p (<:as-html "Similar contact(s) in database. You can :")
(<:li (<:as-html "Select one of the contacts below"))
(<:li (<ucw:a :action (answer (instance self))
(<:as-html "Continue, adding a new contact")))))
(defaction ok ((self new-person) &optional arg)
(declare (ignore arg))
(answer (instance self)))
(set-attribute 'person :new-person '(new-person))
(defaction find-or-return-named-person ((self component) (person person))
(let* ((search-slots '(first-name last-name company-name))
(loop for slot in search-slots
nconc (split-sequence:split-sequence #\Space
(slot-value person slot))))
(select 'person
(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(when (< 0 (length x))
(apply #'sql-or
(mapcar #'(lambda (y)
(sql-slot-value 'person y)
(format nil "%~a%" x)))
:flatp t)))
(if instances
(call-component self (make-presentation person
:type 'person-chooser
`(:instances ,instances))))))
(defaction new-person ((self component) person)
(let ((named-person
(call-component self
(make-presentation person
:type :new-person
:initargs '(:global-properties
(:size 25 :editablep t))))))
(when named-person
(call-component self (make-presentation
(find-or-return-named-person self named-person)
:type :editor)))))
(defaction find-or-return-named-person ((self component) (person person))
(let* ((search-slots '(first-name last-name company-name))
(loop for slot in search-slots
nconc (split-sequence:split-sequence #\Space
(slot-value person slot))))
(select 'person
(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(when (< 0 (length x))
(apply #'sql-or
(mapcar #'(lambda (y)
(sql-slot-value 'person y)
(format nil "%~a%" x)))
:flatp t)))
(if instances
(call-component self (make-presentation person
:type 'person-chooser
`(:instances ,instances)))